• Week 12

Week 12

Your Baby:

The profile of your baby is becoming more defined: the eyes have moved to the front of the face, chin and nose have taken more shape. The nails are well formed and soon it will open and close its hands and feet. Kidneys are already in operation, so that it can swallow amniotic fluid and dispose through urine. The small brain of your baby continues to develop and synapses (specialized intercellular junction between neurons) are growing rapidly within it.

Baby weight now: 28 gm

Baby size now: 8.5 cm


Your Body

Your belly is bigger! The uterus continues to grow outside the pelvic area, you can even feel the top of your uterus a few centimeters below your belly bottom. Also you may notice changes in your skin as an increase in pigmentation of the face, as well as increased sweating. These are symptoms that fortunately will disappear after having the baby. There are also reasons to make your skin smooth, fresh, healthy and radiant, thanks to the pregnancy hormone and the secretion of sebaceous glands.


From this week nausea begins to disappear. You have to watch your diet, eating huge portions is bad, do not eat for two during pregnancy, and talk to your doctor about a balanced diet for your situation. Decrease consuming fat and fried food and take care from raw meat that could be contaminated with "listeria" that can cause you a miscarriage (cross the placenta and infect the baby causing blood poisoning or infection). If you decided to eat raw meat, heat it up until it makes steam to kill any lingering bacteria. For stains use sunscreen creams or avoid sun exposure.

