• Introducing fruits

Introducing fruits

Weaning can be initiated with fruits, thanks to their sweet taste. It’s more pleasing to your baby. Fruits provide your baby with plenty of nutrients, especially vitamins, minerals and are also a great source of antioxidants and fibers. A good selection of fruits is an essential complement in feeding your baby... Note that, in adulthood, vitamin C is obtained entirely from fruits.

Tips on Introducing Fruits

-Avoid adding sugar to fruit purees as they are naturally sweet owing to the presence of Fructose, the fruit sugar. This helps baby to get accustomed to the natural sweet taste. Adding sugars to baby food in early years can put baby on the risk of developing obesity in the later years.-Fruit purees can be supplemented with cereal, to give your baby more energy.
-As for the fiber input, it should be related to baby’s age; removing part of the insoluble fibers in the skin of the fruit, you can avoid intestinal discomfort.
- Start with pulpy fruits such as apples, pears and bananas, for their flavor and texture and to be less allergenic.

-Fruit purees can also be added to veggies to enhance its taste and flavor.

-Try giving variety of fruits to baby so as to get the maximum Nutritional benefit.

- Vitamin C rich fruits like Oranges, when mixed with Iron rich cereals or vegetables or meat will improve the bioavailability of Iron.

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