• What should I eat while breastfeeding?

What should I eat while breastfeeding?

Theoretically, you can eat anything you like while breastfeeding, in moderation. 

Nursing mothers do not need to follow a special diet or eat certain foods to produce high-quality milk. The nutritional composition of breastmilk is not affected by the foods a mother eats. The normal healthy diet recommended for an average adult should meet the needs of most breastfeeding woman.

However, traces of food and drink can get into breastmilk, and this may affect your baby. There isn't much evidence to suggest that certain foods you eat while you are breastfeeding cause your baby to have colic. Colic could be due a number of reasons.

Please, pay attention to the following three points in your diet for peaceful lactation period:


Many new moms look forward to drinking caffeine; however, moderation is key. Slowly reintroduce into your system because every baby reacts differently to this stimulant. Some mothers drink the maximum limit of 3 cups of coffee without noticing any symptoms in their babies, while other mothers notice that 1 cup causes agitation. You can simply switch to de-caffeinated varieties which are available in the market.


In some cases, foods passed through breast milk cause allergic reactions in breastfeeding babies. You won’t know if your baby has a food allergy until he/she shows symptoms. Symptoms can appear immediately after nursing or up to 24 hours later. Symptoms of a food allergy include diarrhea, fussiness, congestion, wheezing and skin rashes, such as eczema.

Flavoring Agents

While your newborn may love the flavor some foods cause in breast milk, he/she may dislike the flavor from other foods. Very spicy foods and foods with strong taste, may cause your baby to be irritable after feeding. Simply eliminating the spice from your diet can fix the problem. Chocolate can also give breast milk a flavor to which your baby may react.
