Week 37
Tips:Until now you will do tests once a month or every two weeks, now your doctor want to see you every week. You may do a pelvic exam to assess the...
Your Baby:
The "lanugo" has almost disappeared, although perhaps some remnants can be noticed after birth. Your placenta works to provide antibodies to protect your baby from infections in the outside world, but if you decided to breast feed, your baby shall receive from breastmilk many of the necessary antibodies. The baby swallowing amniotic fluid and its accumulation creates "meconium" is the waste of the first intestine movement that your baby has after birth.
The umbilical cord is about 50 cm long and 1.3 cm wide, has been transporting nutrients from the placenta to the baby. Having little space in your uterus, the cord can wrap around your baby, do not worry, it is very elastic and does not usually cause problems, but there is a case that the baby can be born with the cord around his neck, but be calm deliveries with more than 35 weeks does not cause any problems.
Baby weight now: 3.5 Kg
Baby size now: > 50 cm
Your Body
You must be attentive to the signs that announce the time: water breaks, have intense and regular contractions, loss of blood. If you have chosen to give birth in a hospital, follow the instructions of your doctor to know when the best time to go is.
When you see that you are giving birth, you should control and measure the frequency of contractions, calculate the beginning of a contraction with the beginning of the next one, take the time duration of each contraction (start to finish). There are ways to control the pain that a woman has during childbirth, certain medications alleviate some and there are others that are completely prevented. For any questions talk to your specialist. The weeks after giving birth, the swelling of feet and ankles is normal, put them up and rest. You deserve it!
Must differentiate between false labor and actual labor, how?
Taking the time. You have to score the beginning of each contraction, the interval between each and its duration. One way to determine when to go to the hospital is 5-1-1: The contractions occur every 5 minutes or less, last 1 minute & the Contractions have started at least 1 hour ago. Monitor the different stages and phases of labor: Stage 1: phase 1 labor can last up to 12 hours or more, the contractions last between 30 and 60 seconds and contractions occur every 5-20 minutes. Stage 1: phase 2 labor can last six hours or more, contractions last between 45 and 60 seconds and occur every 2-5 minutes. Stage 1: phase 3 labor can last a few minutes or a few hours, the contractions last between 60 and 90 seconds and occur every 2 to3 minutes. Step 2: Push can last a few minutes or more than an hour, the contractions last between 45 and 90 seconds and occur every 5 to 3 minutes
Stage 3: DELIVERY!
Tips:Until now you will do tests once a month or every two weeks, now your doctor want to see you every week. You may do a pelvic exam to assess the...
Tips:It is recommended that you buy a maternity or nursing bra (if you decide to breastfeed), do not do it in advance because your breasts will...
Tips:The placenta should come out completely after delivery, and can take up to 20 or 30 minutes to leave after giving birth, or you suffer the risk...