Week 33
Tips:A birth plan is important to be prepared before and during delivery time, in order not to be in stress, it is useful to communicate your...
Your Baby:
Your baby is getting fat! The layer of fat formed under the skin is necessary for the baby to stay warm in the outside world and to acquire almost half of their body weight before delivery. The layer of lanugo (baby's body hair) begins to fall, a normal part of the development of your baby. Maybe some babies born with lanugo, characteristic of a premature birth, but anyway within a few weeks after delivery, it disappears. During the coming weeks the hair and skin of your baby will become softer and smoother.
The baby inside your uterus may think, to create its first memory. Its nails grow very fast so you have to cut them after birth.
Baby weight now: 1.7 Kg
Baby size now: 39 cm
Your Body
Anxiety is a normal symptom that appears as you approach your due date of delivery, do not worry. Now is a good time to talk with your doctor about the birth plan to be carried out and ask those questions you might have. You will notice that your breasts increase in size, it is normal, they are preparing to feed the newborn. It is common to come out of your breasts a liquid called "colostrum" (fluid secreted by the mammary glands), you can use a bra one size larger if you want to feel more comfortable and pads to prevent these unexpected escapes. If your breathing changes during these weeks, it is because your baby is taking up some space on your lungs, but also occupies space in your stomach, so it is advisable to make 5 or 6 small meals a day rather than few and big meals. Your uterus is growing, and you might have more back pain, it does bring out the belly forward and your back is stressed.
At this stage you will be more tired when climbing stairs or walking longer distances, since you have increased considerably in weight. Do not think that your body during this period is the same as before.
Tips:A birth plan is important to be prepared before and during delivery time, in order not to be in stress, it is useful to communicate your...
Tips:You can practice some exercises and for sure consult your doctor which exercise is more suitable to prepare you for the delivery.
Tips:Try to make GBS test. What is GBS? It is a bacteria found in the digestive system and the birth canal. One of every four pregnant women have...