• Food advices... Second trimester

Food advices... Second trimester

During pregnancy you may receive dietary advice that may not be suitable from your friends or relatives. You may have heard that a woman while pregnant should eat for two, that's wrong, you should evenly eat all kinds of food, try to eat less carbohydrates (without deleting them), and less saturated fat or junk foods.
Your diet should include all food groups in order to prevent nutrient deficiencies.

Knowing that the total weight gain during pregnancy is considered to be between 10 to 12 Kg., So taking care of your diet during pregnancy is critical. You must have proper nutrition during pregnancy and avoid gaining too much weight will help your baby grow up healthy. We recommend that you consult your doctor with any questions you may have.

Fat-burning Substances

Vitamin E  prevents fluid accumulation and the appearance of cellulite, you can find it in carrots, eggs and vegetable oils. Foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and yeast have lots of vitamin B and prevent carbohydrates conversion into fats.

Other vitamins like Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, tropical fruits, broccoli and baked potatoes with skin activate metabolism, regulate appetite and reduce fat absorption.

Arginine is an amino acid found in turkey, lamb, beef and chicken, as well as in fish, which activates the secretion of growth hormone and helps in burning fat.

Iodine stimulates metabolic activity and helps generate hormones that regulate and increase the rate of fat burning. It is found in seaweed, shellfish, fish, carrots and parsley.

Another important mineral as fat burner is the Chromium found in seafood, fish, brewer's yeast, whole grains and nuts. Chromium acts on the secretion of insulin that controls the blood sugar level.


You must keep taking foods that contain folic acid which is important to regulate the amount of iron, because at this stage the requirements increase significantly by increased blood volume that happens during pregnancy. You have iron reserves in your body to ensure baby’s oxygen supply. Starting from the second trimester the baby depends on your blood supply and your iron consumption to produce red blood cells.

Iron containing foods
Mussels, oysters, sardines, anchovies, squid, octopus, shrimps, prawns, chickpeas, lentils, beans,  peas, brown rice, whole wheat bread, spinach, garlic, broccoli, parsley, cabbage, artichokes, beets, leeks, strawberries, lamb, rabbit, duck, chicken, turkey, beef and veal liver, lamb, eggs, yogurt, milk, cheese, seeds, nuts and dates.

The Cramps
They are common at this stage, so you should try to eat more phosphorus, calcium and potassium.
Foods containing plenty of calcium are milk, yogurt and cheese.
Most foods contain phosphorus so no need to worry. Among the phosphorus-rich foods are: beans, soybeans, whole grains, nuts, meats and fish, yeast, organic dairy, egg yolk, artichokes, parsley and garlic, among others.
Foods containing potassium in abundance are: soybeans, crushed tomatoes, pistachios, beans, peas, figs, prunes, parsley, almonds, chickpeas, lentils, avocado, walnuts, ketchup, mushrooms and hazelnuts among others.
Calcium and phosphorus are essential for the bone formation of the fetus and subsequently the teeth of the newborn.

Calcium is important to prevent decalcification of your bones and teeth.
If you have lactose intolerance or allergy to casein you need to supplement your diet with other calcium-rich foods such as soy products (soymilk, tofu, etc.) or fish such as canned sardines, anchovies or nuts and extracts (such as almond milk). If the doctor deems it necessary, he will recommend a supplement in this mineral.

If you suffer from constipation you should drink more water, eat ripe fruit and consume foods with fiber.

The Cravings
"Cravings" are physiological and must be satisfied but not overly and if possible by fresh fruit or vegetable.

You should not take pregnancy as a license to eat more foods high in fat or sugar. Be aware that if you end up gaining more weight, it will be very difficult to lose it once you have had your baby. 
